Thanks for the welcome Take your time to visit some helpful info in the field of 111 Endothelin receptor antagonists in pulmonary arterial hypertension.PMID: 16275885 Comparable effects of sildenafil citrate and alprostadil on severe Raynaud's phenomenon in a patient with systemic sclerosis. 33806 - su in the uk [/url], female [/url] or Revatio is usually taken three times each day, about 4 to 6 hours apart.The past decade has seen a rapid growth in biomedical data from many fields: genetics, chemistry, pharmacology and medicine among others.No address means that they are deliberately making it hard for you to track them down in case there is a problem.Aim: To examine the effectiveness and safety of sildenafil as an oral treatment for erectile dysfunction.In men with diabetes mellitus (DM), pooled from clinical trials of sildenafil treatment for ED, this retrospective analysis determined efficacy and safety, overall and in subgroups with additional CV risk (i.e., hypertension, dyslipidemia, and smoking). Good luck!